How to Add Hostel?

To add hostel, go to Hostel > Hostel. Here enter the Hostel Name, select the Hostel Type and enter Address, Intake and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Hostel List present on the right side of the page. To edit hostel click on the Edit icon present in the hostel list and to delete the hostel click on the Delete icon present in […]

About Hostel

This module is used to maintain entire hostel record including Hostel room, Rooms type, cost of bed, single/double bed and many more. The hostel can assign to student at the time of admission. Hostel Module Workflow: First we have to add hostel then room type and then hostel rooms and check the hostel report and student […]

 How to add Route Pickup Point?

The route pickup point for a smart school refers to the specific stops along the transportation route where students are picked up and taken to the school. The exact pickup points are usually determined and communicated by the school, taking into consideration the convenience and safety of the students, as well as the efficiency of the transportation route. The […]

 How to add pickup point?

In a “smart school” a “transport pickup point” refers to the location where students are picked up by the school’s transportation service. This is typically used to provide safe and efficient transportation for students to and from school, especially in situations where students live a long way from the school. To add a pickup point, go to Transport […]

 How to manage transport fees master?

To manage the Transport Fees Master, go to Transport > Fees Master, in this module you can see the different columns as months, due date, fine type, percentage, and fixed amount. you can manage the students’ transport fees for all months by simply setting the due date for that month and the fine type, if the fine type is marked as none, the percentage and fix amount tabs are […]