How student can view Transport Route list?

After login student panel, go to Transport Routes, here student can see all transport routes list. you can search any route by enter Route Title. To view assigned vehicle, click on Click To View button present at Vehicle column in the transport routes page, at click of this button Vehicle Details modal will open. here student can see vehicle details like Vechicle No, Vehicle […]

 How to check Transport Report?

To check transport report, go to Report > Transport. Here you can view all students list who has a valid transport facility. To search any specific record, select the Class, Section, Route Title and Vehicle Number and then click on Search button, the searched records will be shown in the below of the page.

How to assign route to student?

To assign route to student, go to Students edit profile page and select the Route list as well as you can set the pickup point and month then click on the Save button. Note: Transport fees can be collected from fees collection module. You can add a fees group for transportation then add fees master for transportation route. You can add it […]

How to assign vehicle to the Route?

To assign a vehicle, go to Transport > Assign Vehicle. Now click on Route so that multiple routes will be open in the drop-down menu, and select your preferred one. You can see the Vehicle option available in the below list, which is showing its vehicle number. Now choose the vehicle by checking the check box for the above selected route. You can […]

How to add Vehicles?

To add vehicles, go to Transport > Vehicles. Vehicle list will be open. Here you can see the vehicle list, Now click on +Add button for add new vehicle, add vehicle model will be open, in this model you need to fill the all details of vehicle as Vehicle Number, Vehicle Model, Year Made, Registration Number, Chassis Number, Max Seating Capacity, Driver Name, Driver Licence, Driver Contact, Vehicle Photo and Note if any about […]