How to assign / view student in CBSE Examination?

To Assign / View Student on exam, go to CBSE Examination > Exam, Exam List will be open on the right side, and action column displayed on the right side of the page, while hovering the mouse, the first icon will be Assign / View Student. When click on this icon, Assign / View Student model will be open. To Assign / View Student model, […]

 How to add the exam in CBSE Examination?

To add exam, go to the CBSE Examination > Exam. After clicking Exam, Exam List will be open on the right side. Now on the top right corner, you can see the Add button, simply click on Add button, Add Exam model will be open. In this model, first, you need to enter the Exam Name. To publish the exam, check the checkboxes […]

 How to add the exam grade in CBSE Examination?

To add Exam Grade, go to CBSE Examination > Exam Grade. After click on exam grade, the Exam Grade List will be open on the right side. To Add Exam Grade, simply click on the Add button which is located at top right corner, Add Grade model will be open. Please enter the Grade Title and Description of the Grade. Below, you will see […]

 How to add the assign observation in CBSE Examination?

To assign observation, go to CBSE Examination > Assign Observation. Once clicked on the assign observation, assign observation list will be open on the right side. Now at the top right corner Add button showing, simply click on add button Add Observation Term model will be open. Now, click on the Observation, a drop-down menu will appear, allowing you to select […]

 How to add observation in CBSE Examination?

To add an observation, go to CBSE Examination > Observation. Once you click on the observation, the observation list will open on the right. The observation list will be displayed on the right side, and the Add button will be shown in the top right corner. Simply click on the Add button, and the Add Observation model will open. Please enter the Name and Description of […]