How to show CBSE exam result tab on front site?

To show CBSE Exam Result on the front site, first you need to create the CBSE Exam Result tab on the front site, for this simply go to Front CMS > Menus. Here, you can see the Add Menu page and the Menu List, which displays the Main Menu and the Bottom Menu. Click on ‘+’ icon of the Main Menu to go to the ‘Add Menu Item’ page.  […]

 How to take the print of marksheet in CBSE Examination?

To print marksheet, go to the CBSE Examination > Print Marksheet. After clicking of print marksheet on right side select criteria page will be open. In this page, you can see Class, Section, and Template filters are displayed. In order to print the marksheet, you need to select the appropriate class, section, and template that you wish to print. First, […]

 How to generate the template wise rank in CBSE Examination?

To Generate Template Wise Rank, go to CBSE Examination > Template, here template list will be open on the right side. On this template list page, you can view multiple templates along with their details. On the right side, there is an action column where you can find the delete icon. Additionally, next to the delete icon, […]

 How to link the exam with template in CBSE Examination?

To link the exam, go to the CBSE Examination > Template. After click on template, template list will be open on the right side. On this page you can see action column on the right side and in this action column, second icon is for Link Exam. Simply click on Link Exam icon, link exam model will be open. Now […]

 How to add the template in CBSE Examination?

Adding a template for the marksheet is the process of designing or customizing the marksheet according to your examination pattern. With the help of this customization, you can add or remove fields based on your exam. To add the Template, go to the CBSE Examination > Template. After click on the template, template list will be open […]