B.I.A. SchoolSys makes it easier to manage school life
Our school life module offers an intuitive interface capable of managing all school life processes, regardless of the number of students, teachers and the plurality of levels and disciplines. Our school life module is a real work tool that offers the necessary tools and functionalities for a complete management of your daily activities.

School supervision for greater success

Keep track of your students' education
Timetables, results, end-of-term report cards, work to be done in the digital textbook filled in by teachers at the end of each lesson, summaries of sequences and work documents made available to pupils and families... This rich and comprehensive tool provides access to essential information in an efficient and simple manner.

Stay informed
Back-to-school information, events, notices and announcements, timetables, assessment schedules, notifications of absences, lateness and misbehaviour, test scores, homework, etc. Parents can access all information concerning their children's schooling.

Our functionalities
B.I.A. SchoolSys offers a range of features for the complete management of school life.

Student sheets
With a single click, the teacher can view all the information on his or her pupils: date of birth, date of entry, trombinoscope, etc.

Advanced search
Find a student record, a course, or any other information in a few clicks using the search bar.

Periodic and end-of-cycle reviews
Periodic monitoring of pupils (quarterly, half-yearly, etc.) and entry of end-of-cycle skills online.

Class management
Assignment of teachers, choice of main teacher(s), subjects, options, etc.

Materials management
Add or customise subjects according to your school’s specialities.

Life notebook
Sharing with parents the life of the class by disseminating activities, outings, photos, etc.

Call to the floor
From his smartphone or PC, the teacher calls the roll and informs the administration in real time of the day’s absences, late arrivals and exclusions.

Educational adjustments (PAI, PPRE, PAP, PPS)
Management of pupils with special educational needs for whom it is necessary to set up inclusive schooling paths: accommodation, decompartmentalisation, appointments with specialists, etc.

Statistical analysis
From an entry point (school year, subjects, reasons for absence, etc.), it is possible to view statistics on absences, lateness, school results, choice of options, etc.

Group management
Possibility to change the weekly distribution of pupils. This is a very useful feature for personal support to change each week. The pupils’ weekly timetable is updated according to the modifications, as well as the list of pupils for entering calls in class.

Achievement booklet*.
For a positive evaluation, the digital kindergarten success book will allow you to instantly record the successes of each of your students. You can attach photos and recordings to personalise them. Edit the success books to make them readable and colourful.

Half board (canteen, packed lunch)
Plan the number of half-board students, meals, etc. Parents can register their children for the year, month, week or day by making the request online 24 hours in advance. Families can also be informed of the menu from their dashboard.

Digital textbook
The textbook allows exchanges between teachers and students: lesson summaries, PDF files, links to digital resources, etc.

Report cards and School reports
Completed directly online by the teachers, the report cards are sent to you. You can customise the content and the way they are distributed (paper or electronic).

Efficient management of homework planning by creating homework in a few clicks by determining the date, subject, title and heading.

Event management
Create and share events (meetings, open days, sports tournaments, etc.) by adding them online. You can choose who to share with.

School drop-out
Customisable criteria (results, absences, behaviour, etc.) for your alert thresholds, to act as quickly as possible and fight against school drop-out.

Entering and monitoring grades
Teachers can choose their own grading system: subjects, coefficients, etc. Averages are automatically calculated and students are informed.

Monitoring of absences and lateness
Absences, lateness, reasons and proofs of attendance are recorded to make it easier to follow the attendance of pupils. A notification appears in the administrator’s dashboard to indicate any absence of 4 half-days in a month.

Visualise in real time and in the blink of an eye everything that is happening in the school and easily track events: absences, courses, events, tasks, etc.

Diary book
In a few clicks, the teacher designs his or her logbook and has permanent access to his or her files and preparations. The logbook can be consulted from any connected device.

Customisable types of sanctions, programming, monitoring and communication with the educational team and parents.

School file
Centralise all pupils’ school information in a file that can only be consulted by authorised persons.

Certificate of de-registration
In the event of an expulsion from school, it is possible to download and print a certificate of expulsion, in PDF format.

School certificate
With the data registered at the time of registration, you can download and edit your school certificates for the current year, in PDF format.

Online admission
Monitoring of enrolments, attendance, etc. Parents can register their children for the year, month, week or day by making the request online 24 hours in advance.

Declaration to the authorities
The school board declares the enrolment of his pupils / student to the authorities of their residence. He edits the declaration directly and sends it with the attachments available in the database.

Recording of visits to the infirmary with reasons, monitoring of compulsory medical visits, monitoring of prevention and health education actions, risk of dropping out of school, etc. Confidential monitoring authorised only to authorised persons within the administration.

Examination management
Scheduling and dissemination of all reviews.

Create and assign tasks
Create and assign tasks in one click.
* Will be available soon.