About us

Major player in consulting for innovative technological services and digital transformation, Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A.) spearheads innovation to seize every opportunity for its clients in a rapidly evolving world. Building on the strong heritage of 20 years of experience from its founders and extensive expertise in the digital sector, Business Intelligence Agency  empowers organizations to realize their strategic ambitions through a comprehensive suite of services, spanning from strategy to operations.

Our website address is: https://groupebia.com/.

Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) respects your privacy. We have therefore drawn up a confidentiality policy which applies to the way in which we collect, use, protect, store and transfer your personal data.

Personal data means any electronic or other information which, alone or together with other information such as a name, telephone number, location data or online identifier, directly or indirectly identifies a natural person or enables that person to be identified. This policy explains how Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) processes your personal data, but does not address all possible scenarios for processing your data, in case of processing not provided for within this policy all necessary information will be communicated to you during the specific processing activity. Therefore, before using a specific service, it is recommended that you read the privacy policy or legal notice published by Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) for that service in order to understand how your personal data is processed.

1. How does Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) collect your personal data?

We collect your personal data for the purposes indicated below:

(a) In order to provide the service or information you have requested; we use your name and email address to deliver the service or information you have requested.

(b) In order to process payment, your credit card number or banking information for direct debit payments is used only for this purpose and to present you with payment options, and will not be used for marketing purposes.

(c) In order to send you information from time to time, we may send you information about our services.

2. How does Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) use your personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to the following third parties in the circumstances set out below:

(a) Disclosure to service providers

We may disclose your personal information to other companies that perform services on our behalf, including contracted fulfilment agents, auditors, our software developers (including web site designers and hosts), and providers of data processing, document management and office services. We will only provide these companies with the information they need to provide the service and they are prohibited from using this information for any other purpose.

(b) Disclosure to our business units

We may share your personal information with any of the business units that are part of the Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) group in order to serve you better and to provide you with information about our group’s services.

(c) Sharing with partner companies:

Some products and/or services are provided to you directly by our partners. Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) may also share your information with them, they may use your information to provide you with products and/or services you request, make predictions about your interests and they may offer you advertising, promotional materials and other materials.

3. How does Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) update the privacy policy?

Business Intelligence Agency  (B.I.A. SAS) reserves the right to update this policy at any time. If we make changes to this privacy policy, we will post these changes on our websites and the amended policy will be available upon request to the privacy officer of Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS). However, Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) will obtain the necessary consents under applicable privacy laws if it intends to collect, use or disclose personal information about an individual for purposes other than those for which consent was given, unless otherwise required or permitted by law.

4. How does Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) protect your personal data?

Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) attaches great importance to the security of your personal data and to adopt standard industry practices in order to protect your personal data and avoid unauthorised access, use, modification, damage or loss of this information. To this end, Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) adopts the following measures:

(a) We adopt reasonable and practicable measures to ensure that the personal data collected is minimal and relevant as necessary, having regard to the purposes for which it is processed. We will retain your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy for the specific service, unless an extension of the retention period is required or permitted by law.

(b) We use a range of technologies such as encryption technologies to ensure the confidentiality of data transmitted. We implement reliable protection mechanisms to protect data and data storage servers from attack.

(c) We deploy access control mechanisms to ensure that only authorised personnel can access your personal data. In addition, we have control over the number of staff authorised to access your personal data.

In addition, we have control over the number of authorised staff and implement line authority management over them according to service requirements and staff levels.

(d) We rigorously select business partners and service providers and integrate personal data protection requirements into business contracts, audits and evaluation activities.

(e) We organise security and protection training courses, tests and publicity activities to raise employees’ awareness of personal data protection.

5. How does Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) store your personal information?

Your personal information is stored in secure locations and on servers controlled by Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS), located either in our offices or in the offices of our service providers. If you wish to consult your personal information, please contact our Customer Care Service (see ‘How to contact us’ below).

6. How can you contact us?

Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) has a service responsible for protecting privacy that oversees compliance with this privacy policy and applicable laws on the protection of personal information. Contact details for the Business Intelligence Agency (B.I.A. SAS) Customer Care Service are as follows support@groupebia.com

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