On the Dashboard, accessed through the Student Panel after logging in, deshboard will be appear, here you can view various student related details, such as the Student Name with greeting as well as his image, Attendance Remark, Notice Board, Subject Progress, Upcoming Classes, Homework, Teacher List, Visitor List, and Library Book Issue List.

The Notice Board, located on the right side and that keeps students up-to-date with the latest news and announcements which is uploaded by the superadmin / staff.

In the Subject Progress Section, students can view the progress of each subject as uploaded by their teachers, including how much of the syllabus has been completed and how much remains.

The Upcoming Class section displays details about the student’s upcoming classes, including the timing, subject, teacher, and classroom number.

The Homework section shows homework assigned by teachers, including the due date, submission date, and status (evaluated, submitted, or pending).

The Teacher List section shows students to view their class teacher and other teachers.

The Visitor List shows the names of recent visitors along with their meeting purpose and date of visit.

The Library Book Issue List displays the book number, book title, issue date, and due return date for any books issued to the student.