To manage the Transport Fees Master, go to Transport > Fees Master, in this module you can see the different columns as months, due date, fine type, percentage, and fixed amount. you can manage the students’ transport fees for all months by simply setting the due date for that month and the fine type, if the fine type is marked as none, the percentage and fix amount tabs are disabled; that means fine will not be applicable for that month, if the fine type is unmarked as none, you need to set the fine as a percentage or as a fixed amount, so that fine will be applicable for that month in the form of percentage or fixed amount. Now, if the due date of fees for that month has passed, the fine, whether it is a percentage or a fixed amount, that you have set, it will be automatically apply in student transport fees. 

Note: – If you apply the same transport fees for all months as the first month, you just need to check the checkbox “Copy First Fees Detail For All Months,” which is shown on the top left, and all month due dates and fines will be successfully set.

For Percentage

To use the percentage fine type for transport fees, simply mark the percentage.

Now the percentage tab will be enabled, fill the percentage and click the save button, the fine in percentage will be applied to student transport fees, and you can see that fine in student fees.

Go to fees collection > collect fees, now search for that student whose transport fees due date has passed. And then click “Collect Fees.”

The student fees page will open, and you will see the transportation fees along with the fine. 

For Fix Amount

To use the fix amount fine type for transport fees, simply mark the fix amount tab.

Now the fix amount tab will be enabled, fill the amount that you will charge as fine and click the save button, the fine in fix amount will be applied to student transport fees, and you can see that fine in student fees.

Go to fees collection > collect fees, now search for that student whose transport fees due date has passed. And then click “Collect Fees.”

The student fees page will open, and you will see the transport fees along with the fine.