User Login Option
To access the User Login Option for students and parents, go to System Settings > General Settings. Then, click on the student/guardian panel. Here, in first, you can see the user login option.
By using user login option, you can manage both the student and parent logins. All you need to do is check or uncheck the box next to the student and parent options.
If the student login checkbox is checked, the student will be able to log in to their panel, but if the parent login checkbox is unchecked, the parent will not be able to log in to their panel.
On the other hand, if the student login checkbox is unchecked, the login page will disappear for both the student and the parent and they will not be able to log in to their respective panels. In summary, if a parent wants to log in to their panel, the student must have login permission.
Additional Username Option for Student Login
In the Additional Username Option for Student Login, students can login with their admission number, mobile number, as well as email, with permission from the superadmin, by checking the checkboxes for admission number, mobile number, and email.
Additional Username Option for Parent Login
In the Additional Username Option for Parent Login, parents can log in with their mobile number and email if the superadmin grants permission by checking the corresponding checkboxes for mobile number and email.
Allow Student To Add Timeline
In last option, you can see the Allow Student To Add Time available, now with the help of this permission you can Enabled and Disabled the timeline permission for the student.
When you enable timeline permissions for students, the ‘Add’ option appears in the student panel, allowing students to add, edit, and delete their timeline.

When you disable timeline permissions for students, the ‘Add’ option disappears in the student panel and not allowing students to add their timeline.
Note:- Overall, students can only edit and delete timelines that they have added themselves. They are unable to edit or delete timelines that have been added by the superadmin.