To send emails from Smart School, you need to configure Email Setting, for this go to System Settings > Email Setting. Currently Email is available for SendMail and SMTP delivery engine. If you want to send email through your Hosting Send Mail program then select SendMail email engine or to send email using any SMTP relay then Select SMTP email engine. You can use Gmail SMTP relay also by adding any Gmail account details but your Gmail account also seto for less secure device so SMTP engine can send email using Gmail SMTP relay.

Email setting-1 image

Now select the SMTP option and enter SMTP Username, SMTP Password, SMTP Server SMTP Port and select SMTP Security (TLS/SSL/OFF), SMTP Auth (ON/OFF) and then click on Save button.

email setting for SMTP image

AWS SES (Amazon Simple Email Service) is a cloud-based email service that enables businesses to send and receive emails. It provides a reliable and cost-effective way to send emails to large numbers of recipients. For more information about AWS (Amazon Web Service) and SES (Simple Email Service).

Go through this link: .

To send emails from Smart School, you need to configure the email settings. For this, go to System Settings > Email Settings, then Email Engine, where you can view SMTP and AWS SES. Click on AWS SES (Amazon Web ServiceSimple Email Service). Enter your email address, Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, and region here, then click the Save button.