To generate Zoom API Credential, go to the Zoom Live Classes > Setting. On the right side setting page will be open.

On this page, you can see multiple configuration options are available. To generate zoom api credential, simply click on the ‘click here’ link, which is shown in blue on the right above.

After click on the click here link, Zoom App Marketplace page will open.

To sign in for Zoom, simply click on the ‘Sign In’ button, which is available at the top right corner. After click, sign in page will be open.

Now, fill in your details and click on the ‘Sign In’ button to log in to the Zoom application. After successfully login in zoom application, page will be open.

In this page you can see the multiple option, now click on Develop dropdown, showing at the top right corner, when you click on develop button drop down list will be open, now here you can see the Build Legacy App option available.

Simply click on Build Legacy App option and choose your app type page will be open.

On this page, please click on Create button of Meeting SDK, create an SDK app modal will be open.

Now, fill in your app name, then click on the ‘Create‘ button to successfully create your app. To see your app that you recently created, simply go to ‘Manage,’ which is showing at the top right corner, where you can find your newly created app.

Now, click on the app name you recently created. Your app profile page will open, and the first option will be Information.

On this page you can see the first option is Information. Here you can see the all basic information about the app.

Now click on download option showing below of the basic information. Here you can see the download details.

Now click on the App Credential, with the help of these you can Use the credentials to access Zoom APIs from your app. Make sure to securely store the credentials. Do not store them in public repositories.

Note: Following URL for OAuth
           Redirect URL for OAuth
 for the Superadmin  https://<base_url>/admin/conference/generatetoken 
           Redirect URL for OAuth for the Staff  https://<base_url>/admin/conference/stafftoken 

Now click on the Feature option available in the below of app credential.

In this option you can see secret token. Zoom sends the secret token in each event notification we send to your app.

Note: This secret token is used to verify event notifications sent by Zoom.

Now click on the Scopes option which is showing on the below of Feature.

Now to add the Scopes, on the right top side just click on Add Scopes

Click on ‘Meeting‘,  under this, you will see multiple options. Go to the option where numbers are displayed, and ensure all the checkboxes are checked

Now click on User, under this, same process will follow as above, simply, Go to the option where number are displayed, and ensure all the checkboxes are checked

After add the Meetings and User, you can see the complete list of both on the Scopes

Scopes define the API methods this app is allowed to call, and thus which information and capabilities are available on Zoom. Scopes are restricted to specific resources like channels or files. If your app is submitted to zoom, we will verify the need for all requested scopes against the features that your app has to offer at the time of review. Please remove unneeded scopes before you submit your app.

Now click on the Local Test which is showing below of the Scopes, with the help of this you can test your app locally.

To Technical Design, which is showing at the below of Local Test.

You must complete the Technical Design Document (TDD) in order to successfully submit an application to the Zoom App Marketplace.

Once the app is submitted, it will need a security and privacy compliance review. The review contains 2 parts:

  • Part 1: Vendor Attestation via Technical Design Document
  • Part 2: Focused Security Testing of the application to ensure Zoom Data Security

You can download Architecture Diagram image by clicking here.

Now click on Submit which is showing below of the technical design.

Once you Submit your app, Zoom will conduct a functional and security review of your app. On a successful review, your app will be published to the Zoom App Marketplace.