To Generate the Exam Wise Rank , first you need to go to CBSE Examination > Exam.

On the right side, you can see the Exam list. Within that list, on the right side, there is an action column where you can find the delete icon. Additionally, beside the delete icon, there is also the Generate Rank icon available.

Now click on Generate Rank icon, Generate Rank page will be open. On this page, you can view the list of student details, including the student’s admission number, student name, class, and father’s name, date of birth, gender, mobile number, and rank. Initially, the rank column will be blank until you generate the rank.

To generate the rank, simply click on the ‘Generate Rank’ button located in the bottom right corner. Once generated successfully, you will be able to see the rank in the rank column. Additionally, a message stating ‘Rank has been generated, further you can update the regenerated rank‘ will be displayed above.

Note : – This rank will show as exam wise and you can also check this rank from the student side CBSE Examination > Exam Result.