To Enabled the auto attendance, Go to the QR Code Attendance > Setting. When you click on the Setting button, on the right side setting page will be open, here you can see the Auto Attendance Disabled and Enabled option available.

Simply click on Enabled and you are able to mark the attendance automatically, just scan the QR code and attendance will be marked.
Now see how it’s work, simply go to the QR Code Attendance > Attendance.

Here, you can see QR Code Attendance page will be open, on this page you can see the scanner will be open and now you are ready to mark the attendance, simply take student and staff id card in which QR Code / Barcode is already displayed, just show the ID card in front of scanner and scanner will scan the QR Code / Barcode and attendance marked automatically and message will be show as Attendance Submitted Successfully.

Note: – When you scan the QR Code/Barcode to mark attendance, the scanner will automatically reopen for scanning the QR Code/Barcode until you close the page. After marking attendance, the scanner will take approximately five seconds and reopen for scanning.
If you wish to re-scan the same ID card for a student or staff member, click on the Re-scan QR Code / Barcode button located at the top. The scanner will open, proceed to scan the ID card. This time, a message will be displayed that attendance has been already submitted as Present, Late, or Half Day, reflecting the previous marking.

and for the staff while re-scanning their staff id card.

To verify the attendance marked for student, simply go to the Attendance > Student Attendance.

Here, search for the student whose attendance you marked by scanning the QR Code/Barcode. Now, select the Class, Section, and Attendance Date then, click on the Search button, and the attendance will be displayed below.

On this page, you can verify the attendance of the student whose ID card was scanned, and the attendance status will be displayed, whether the student was Present, Late, or Half-Day. you can also see the attendance date and source of the attendance in which way its marked.
To verify the attendance of the staff, simply go to the Human Resource > Staff Attendance.

Here search the role of the staff and select the attendance date then click on the search button the attendance will be display below.

On this page, you can verify the attendance of the staff whose ID card was scanned, and the attendance status will be displayed, indicating whether the staff was Present, Late, or Half-Day.