To enable / disable Teacher API credential, Superadmin/Admin need to login in Smart School. Here you can limit the teacher to use only global API key by disabling Teacher API credential. For this, on left sidebar go to Zoom Live Classes > Settings, here you will see Teacher API credential option with enable and disable radio button. Now if you want to allow teacher to create his/her own API credential then check Enable radio button otherwise check Disable radio button and then click on Save button. After disabling teacher API credential, teacher will not be able to create Live class by using his/her own API credential he/she can use only Global API key to create Live Claases.

Note- To create Zoom Live Class using Teacher api key credential, please note that it must be created from Timetable otherwise if Live class created from Add Class button so it will always use global api key.

To create Live Class with self api key login to teacher account go to Zoom Live Classes here first add teacher Zoom Api key and Secret key from Add Credential.

Now click on created Timetable it will open Add Live Class window, enter here Zoom Live Class details and click on Save button so it will listed at Live Classes record list and will show Api Used as Self.