To check the behaviour record reports, go to the behaviour record > Reports, after clicking on reports, all incident reports will open.

There are various incident reports available here, such as student incident report, student behaviour rank report, class wise rank report, class section wise rank report, house wise rank report, and incident wise report

Now, click on student incident report, and at the bottom, select criteria will appear. 

Please select the class, section, and session, and then click on the search button in the right middle corner by doing so, the student incident list will appear at the bottom. 

Note: In session, you can select the current session points as well as all session points.

Here you can see the student incident list. In this table, you can see the student’s admission number, name, class and section, gender, phone number, and the total number of incidents and points the student has earned.

To see the indivisible incident report, go to the action column, which is showing at the bottom right, and click on show.

The assign student incident model will be opened by clicking on the show button. 

On this model, you can see all the details of the incident assigned to the student.

Student Behaviour Rank Report

To check the student behaviour rank report, go to Behaviour Records > Reports. After clicking on Reports, all reports will open. 

Now click on student behaviour rank report.

Select the criteria as classsection and session in which you want to see the report, the session drop-down menu has two options: current session points and all session points

You can now select the range of points as lesser than or equal to and greater than or equal to from the type drop-down menu. 

Fill in the range of points that you want to see in a report between the ranges in the points tab and click the search button on the right side. 

As you select the above criteria after clicking the search button, the student behaviour rank list will appear at the bottom. 

In this list, you can see student behaviour rank wise, which is shown in the first column, and other information about the student, such as his admission numberstudent name, class and section, gender, phone, and total points, which is shown in the action column. With the help of the Show button, you can see the assigned incident for that particular student. Now, click the show button. 

The assigned incident page will be open, and here you can see all the details of the incident.

Class wise rank report

To check the class-wise rank report, go to the Behaviour Records > Reports model, after clicking on Reports all reports will open.

Now click on the class-wise rank report, the list will be open at the bottom.

Here, in the first and second columns, you can see the incident report class rank wise, and in the third column, the count of the total students in that class, and in the fourth column, the total points in that class, and action is the last column in this table, where you can see the show button while hovering the mouse over the three lines icon, and by clicking on the show button, you can see the assigned incident rank report class wise.

Now, click the Show button, and the student’s assigned incident report will be displayed in class-rank order. All of the incident’s details are available here. 

Class Section wise Rank Report

To check the class section wise rank report, go to the Behaviour Records > Reports model. After clicking on Reports, all incident reports will open.

When you click on the class-section-wise rank report, the list will appear at the bottom. 

In this table, you can see the incident report class and section rank wise in the first and second columns, and the count of the total students in that class and section in the third column, and the total points in that class and section in the fourth column. Action is the last column in this table, where you can see the show button while hovering the mouse over the three-line icon, and by clicking on the show button, you can see the assigned incident rank report class and section wise. 

Now, click the Show button, and the student’s assigned incident report will be displayed by class and section rank. All of the incident’s details are available here.

House Wise Rank Report

To check the house-wise rank report, go to Behaviour Records > Reports after clicking on Reports, all incident reports will open.

Now click on the house-wise rank report, and the list will be open at the bottom.

Here, in the first and second columns, you can see the incident report by house rank, with the third column showing the count of the total students in that house and the fourth column showing the total points of the students related to that house.

The last column in this table is Action, and by hovering the mouse over the three lines icon and clicking on the show button, you can see the assigned incident rank report house wise

Now, click the Show button, and the assigned incident report for each student, house rank wise, will be displayed. All of the incident’s details are available here. 

Incident Wise Report

To check the incident-wise report, go to Behaviour Records > Reports after clicking on Reports, all incident reports will open.

Now click on incident-wise report, and a list will open at the bottom.

You can select the criteria from the session-wise point’s drop-down menu available, and it will show you points according to the current session-wise points and all session-wise points.

Now select the session and click on the search button that is showing in the left corner, so that an incident-wise report will be shown below as well as the report shown in the pie chart.

After clicking on search, an incident-by-incident report list will appear in the box below. The first column displays the name of the incident; in this column, you can see the multiple incident names, and the second column displays the total number of incidents assigned to the student. 

While hovering the mouse over the numbers in the student column view option.

Now click on that number, and it will show the list of all the total assigned students that are related to that particular incident.

You can also see the incident performance through the pie chart, which is shown in the left-hand bottom corner.

In the pie chart, incidents are shown in a circle with different indivisible colours, and these colour codes show the incident performance. You can also differentiate these colour codes by their name, which is mentioned above in the pie chart.