Childcare management software

Day nurseries are a crucial place for parents, who confient their children there. It is vital to guarantee their safety and to look after them properly. That’s why we’ve developed the B.I.A. SchoolSys childcare module. Thanks to B.I.A. SchoolSys , you can take charge of the management of the day nursery by using several functionalities.
The safety of all children is the absolute priority for all staff. For this reason, we have created a ‘ Childcare’ module to enhance their safety. Childminders will be able to track children's entry and exit times at the childcare centre ensuring their safety.

To provide the best possible service for children, it is crucial to collect essential information about them. That’s why the “garderie” module allows you to capture all the information you need to ensure children’s well-being. The childcare module is an essential tool for ensuring the well-being of children while offranting efficacious and simplified management for childcare centres.