How to change login page background?

To change the background of the Admin Login Panel and User Login Panel, go to the side menu bar and select System Settings > General Settings; in the general settings, you can see the third option, “Login Page Background.” In this feature, you can change the background of the login Admin Panel as well as the User Panel. You just need to […]

 How to manage backend theme?

To change the backend theme, go to System Settings > General Settings > Backend Theme. Here you can see the multiple theme option available as White, Default, Red, Blue and Gary theme, choose one of them then click on save button. You can keep your preferred backend theme for your smart school by clicking on the theme and it will show “enabled.” After you click on the “Save” button, […]

 How to Register Android Mobile App?

To register an android mobile app, go to System Setting > General Setting > Mobile App. For register mobile app click on Register Your Android App when you will click on it pop window of Register your Android App purchase code will be open, here enter Envato Market Purchase Code For Smart School Android App ( How To Find It? ) and Your Email Registered With Envato then click on Save button. Now […]

 How to manage student / guardian panel?

User Login Option To access the User Login Option for students and parents, go to System Settings > General Settings. Then, click on the student/guardian panel. Here, in first, you can see the user login option. By using user login option, you can manage both the student and parent logins. All you need to do is check or uncheck the box next to […]

 How to manage fees settings?

Offline Bank Payment In Student Panel For offline bank payment in the student panel, go to System Setting > General Setting, then Fees. Here you can Disabled or Enabled offline bank payment in the Student Panel. When you Enabled Offline Bank Payment In Student Panel permission, the Offline Bank Payment tab will appears in the student panel, allowing students to pay their fees by offline mode. When you Disabled Offline Bank […]