How to add course in the cart from the front site?

To add a course to your cart, go to the Smart School Online Course front page, then click on Online Course. Here you can view the multiple courses, and in some courses, there is an “add to cart” option available below. Some courses are free; in those courses, the “add to cart” option is not available, but you […]

 How can a guest user buy a course?

The course is available for purchase by guests. Other users can also buy the online course. To purchase the online course, go to the online course and add it to your card of choice. Before logging in, click on the “cart” icon at the top right side of the screen. When you click on it, a pop-up window […]

 How to manage online course front site page?

In Smart School Online Course Front Site, in this page, you can see the multiple courses and its search criteria. In the left side page, you can see Filter & Refine option available. The filter and refine feature in online courses can help learners to quickly and easily find the content that is most relevant to their learning goals, saving them […]

How to manage AWS S3 bucket setting?

To manage AWS S3 bucket setting, go to Online Course > Setting, here you have to enter Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Bucket Name and Region. You can complete AWS S3 bucket setting in following two steps – Create AWS account – If you already have AWS account then you can skip create AWS account and just login to your […]

 How to check online course reports?

Online Course Reports section contains 6 report namely Student Course Purchase Report, Course Sell Count Report, Student Course Trending Report,Course Complete Report, Course Rating Report and Guest Report.To check all reports, login from superadmin/admin panel then go to Online Course > Online Course Report.Student Course Purchase Report – To check student course purchase report click on the Student Course Purchase Report, here […]