How to view Disabled Staff?

To view disabled staff, go to Human Resource > Disabled Staff then select Role and then click on Search button. You can also search any disabled staff by entering any matching Keyword in the Search By Keyword Text Box and then click on Search button. The list of disabled staff will be shown below of the page. To view staff details click on Show icon present in […]

 How to view Teachers rating?

To view teachers rating, go to Human Resource > Teachers Rating. Here you can see rating and reviews submitted by student. To approve rating click on Approve button present at Action column in the teachers rating list page, at click of this button status will be approved. To delete staff rating click on Delete icon present in teachers rating list page.

How to Approve Leave Request?

To add leave request, go to Human Resource > Approve Leave Request then click on Add Leave Request button present at top right corner in the approve leave request page, at click of this button Add Details modal will be open. Here select Role, Name, Apply Date, Leave Type, Leave Date, Reason, Note, Attach Document and Status and then click on Save button. To view approve leave request […]

 How to generate Payroll for Staff members?

To generate payroll for staff members, go to Human Resource > Payroll then select Role, Month and Year and then click on Search button. Here you can see staff member list and their payroll status and generate button in action column. Now, in the Action column of the staff list, click on the Generate Payroll button, this will open the Staff Details page with the payroll form. You can see a staff member’s […]

 How to mark Staff Attendance?

To mark staff attendance, go to Human Resource > Staff Attendance then select here Role and Attendance Date and then click on Search button. The list of staff will be shown in the below of the page. Here select Attendance (Present, Late, Absent, Half Day) for the staff and then click on the Save Attendance button. (If attendance has been already submitted then you will get message of “Attendance […]