How to change text label in B.I.A. SchoolSys

In Smart School, if you want to change text labels like if you want to change text lebel of “Academics” to “AcademicsSettings” then for this you should go to the Language file location, here first you should select the Language file according to your country language and do changes in that language file. For e.g. […]

 Unable to login into student account?

If you are getting alert message “Sorry! You are not belonging to any class for current academic session.” while login to student account so this message is occurred when a student is login which is belonging to an academic session and that session is not currently set as current academic session in your Smart School […]

 How to add subscription fees in B.I.A. SchoolSys?

In Smart School you can assign fees for each student by creating fees groups from Fees Collection > Fees Group then Fees Collection > Fees Master (create fees by selecting fees group here) and assign to student from Fees Master > Assign/view Fees. Please check the following documentation for more understanding.

 What is the difference between Examination and Online Examination?

Examination and Online examination both are different modules. ​ Examination Module: It is used for regular/offline examination where exam based on theory or practical and student answer in this exam on pages based answer sheet. Suppose a regular maths exam of class 7 should be conduct in school’s class using question paper and answer sheet. […]