How student can view fees Details?

After login from student panel, go to sidebar menu click and follow Fees link. Here you can see fees details. If the online payment gateway is enabled from there, then the student can pay the fees from this side.

 How to check Fees Collection Report?

To check fees collection report, go to Report > Finance click on Fees Collection Report. Here please select the Search Duration, Class, Section, Fees Type, Collect By and Group By and then click on Search button. The list of searched record will be shown in the below of the page.

 How to check Balance Fees report?

To check the balance fees report, go to Report > Finance and click on Balance Fees Report.  Here select Class, Section and Search Type in search type you can see all, balance, paid and select the one of them and then click on the Search button. The list of searched record will be shown in the below of the page.

 How to check Fees Statement report?

To check fees statement, go to Report > Finance click on Fees Statement. Here select Class, Section and Student and then click on Search button. Here you can see student fees statement.