How to check online course from parent panel?

To purchase course from parent panel, login from parent panel then go to Online Course link, here you will see all courses, now click on the Course Detail button of the course, at click of this button, you will see all details of the course like course description, curriculumfor this course, what will I learn, course price etc.

How to check online course from student panel?

To check online course from student panel, login from student panel then go to Online Course link, here you will see all courses, now click on the Course Detail button of the course, at click of this button, you will see all details of the course like course description, curriculumfor this course, what will I learn, course price etc.

How to publish/unpublish course?

To publish/unpublish course, click on the Manage Course button of the course and then click on the Publish Course button present at the top right corner. By default course will be unpublish so you will see Publish Course button, once course is published button will be change to Unpublish Course.

How to order section?

To order section of a course, click on the Manage Course button of the course and then click on the Order Section button, at click of this button Order Section modal will open, from here you can change order of the section.

How to add Course?

To add course login from Superadmin/Admin panel then go to Online Course > Online Course. then click on the + Add Course button the enter Title, Outcomes, Description, Inline Preview Image, Class, Section, AssignTeacher, CoursePreviewURL, Price, Discount, FreeCourse (if you want to upload course free of cost) Course Category, Front Site Visibilty ( you can manage the front side visibility of online course if you select the Yes, the online course, which you added, will […]