Our Faq

Frequently Asked Questions

This section lists the questions most frequently asked by users and visitors of our website.

Yes, you can use B.I.A. SchoolSys  without internet on localhost installation (using XAMPP or WAMP) but you will lose the benefits of some features like.

  • Email, SMS and Push notification and messaging
  • Online Payment
  • YouTube videos

If you are using B.I.A. SchoolSys  with internet on localhost installation then above mentioned features will work.

Yes, you can use B.I.A. SchoolSys  on localhost installation (using XAMPP or WAMP) and access it in your local LAN (Local Area Network) from other pc in network. How to configure B.I.A. SchoolSys  for local LAN network

By default display error messages are disabled in B.I.A. SchoolSys  that is the reason every time if there is any error occurred system is showing 500 error message. This is due to B.I.A. SchoolSys environment is set for production . To enable display error message you should change B.I.A. SchoolSys environment from production to development.

Please do the following changes in code files to change environment –

Open file \index.php in any editor carefully from your installation folder and find

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'production');

and change it to

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');

Be aware that in development mode you may see some errors and deprecation warnings, for this reason, it’s always recommended to set the environment to “production” .

To find purchase code for an add on module, contact our support team on support@groupebia.com

If you have any general questions don’t hesitate to contact us on support@groupebia.com 

B.I.A. SchoolSys  does not support 3 decimals places for a number or currency amount.

To check B.I.A. SchoolSys Version, login from superadmin panel and then go to System Settings > System Update link. Here you can see your current  B.I.A. SchoolSys  Version.

Server requirements for installing or running B.I.A. SchoolSys are :

Yes,B.I.A. SchoolSys  support RTL direction for languages.

Unfortunately not, the PDF or exported documents are only generated in LTR direction.

Unfortunately you can’t use B.I.A. SchoolSys  as SaaS or multi school application. Even you can not edit or customize B.I.A. SchoolSys  to make it SaaS or multi school application due to its licensing terms. B.I.A. SchoolSys licenses are single end products, additional information for licenses you can contact your support on support@groupebia.com

No, currently unicode characters for non English languages does not supported in data export from table or datatable

In B.I.A. SchoolSys avoid to enter or using special character (special character is non-alphabetic and non-numeric like @, #, $, <, %, ^, &, *, !,() for any field like Student, Staff, Income, Expense, Transport, Custom Field etc, otherwise it may fail PHP or JavaScript processing.

Unfortunately you can’t use B.I.A. SchoolSys  as SaaS or multi school application. Even you can not edit or customize B.I.A. SchoolSys  to make it SaaS or multi school application due to its licensing terms.B.I.A. SchoolSys  licenses are single end products, additional information for licenses contact our support on support@groupebia.com.

For student data access separation there is a Teacher Restricted Mode feature is available, by default teachers can access all student data but when Teacher Restricted Mode (System Settings > General Setting > Miscellaneous > Teacher Restricted Mode) is enabled then teacher can see only their assigned class-section or subject, student related data for different modules like Exam, Homework, Lesson Plan etc.

In B.I.A. SchoolSys  you can assign fees for each student by creating fees groups from Fees Collection > Fees Group then Fees Collection > Fees Master (create fees by selecting fees group here) and assign to student from Fees Master > Assign/view Fees.

To take attendance in B.I.A. SchoolSys  automatically through biometric attendance device you should have B.I.A. SchoolSys  Biometric Attendance App (desktop application) and Biometric Attendance Device. B.I.A. SchoolSys  Biometric Attendance App supports multiple biometric attendance devices so you can add multiple devices and take attendance with them simultaneously. You should purchase compatible biometric devices at your end from any online store or from your local market. 

Using biometric device and its configuration all details will be provided in its documentation. With B.I.A. SchoolSys  Biometric Attendance App purchase you will get Windows OS executable files, runtime and installer, documentation.

Price –

B.I.A. SchoolSys  Biometric Attendance App price: XAF 50,000 (without payment processing fees) with 12 month support with lifetime free updates.

Biometric Device Specifications –

B.I.A. SchoolSys  Biometric Attendance App supports any biometric attendance device which supports ZKTeco Firmware with Push Data (at least Push Service Ver. 2) feature. For development we have used ZKTeco K60 (https://www.flipkart.com/zkteco-zkt-k-60-time-attendance-access-control-door-locks/p/itmexdznfzkh6qvx– for reference purpose only, you can purchase device from your local market or from your country online site for same specification) model device.

Below are a list of items you should ensure your computer hardware/software should comply with to install and run B.I.A. SchoolSys l Biometric Attendance App –

– At least Intel i3 processor or its equivalent other processor

– At least 4GB of RAM

– At least Microsoft Windows 7 – 64 Bit Operating System

– Broadband Internet connectivity with minimum 1 MBPS speed

Examination and Online examination both are different modules.
Examination Module: It is used for regular/offline examination where exam based on theory or practical and student answer in this exam on pages based answer sheet. Suppose a regular maths exam of class 7 should be conduct in school’s class using question paper and answer sheet.  After examination student should submit answer sheet to examiner. Finally student marks should be entered in exam marks and their result and marksheet will be prepared.
Online Examinations Module : It is used for online examination where question, exam, answer everything is created under B.I.A. SchoolSys and student take exam online through computer and submit their answer immediately. After result  published student can check their result online.

If you are getting alert message “Sorry! You are not belonging to any class for current academic session.” while login to student account so this message is occurred when a student is login which is belonging to an academic session and that session is not currently set as current academic session in your B.I.A. SchoolSys System Settings > General Setting. So please check for your current academic session.  

To set start day of week for timetable go to System Settings > General Setting, here you will find option Start Day of Week to set start day according to your country.

In B.I.A. SchoolSys , if you want to change text labels like if you want to change text label of “Academics” to “Academics Settings” then for this you should go to the Language file location, here first you should select the Language file according to your country language and do changes in that language file.

For e.g. if you want to change text lebel of “Academics” to “Academics Settings” in English language then go to the file path location \application\language\English\app_files and open system_lang.php file then serach for the keyword “Academics”


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