To manage SMS setting, go to System Settings > SMS Setting then select any SMS gateway from top of the page which you want to enable on your Smart School then enter Auth Key, Sender Id and select Status and then click on Save button.

Here we are providing 11 SMS Gateway namely Clickatell SMS GatewayTwilio SMS GatewayMSG91Text LocalSMS CountryBulk SMSMobi ReachNexmoAfricasTalkingSMS EgyptCustom SMS Gateway in our Smart School.

Custom SMS Gateway-

In Smart School you can integrate any http based SMS Gateway using our Custom SMS library. Please contact to support to get Custom SMS Gateway integration guide. Here enter Gateway Name, select Status (Enabled/Disabled) and then click on Save button.

SMS setting image

Follow same procedure to SMS gateway for Clickatell SMS Gateway, Twilio SMS Gateway, Text Local and SMS Country.