How to Apply Leave?

To apply leave, go to Human Resource > Apply Leave then click on the Apply Leave button present at top right corner in leaves page, at click of this button Add Details modal will be open. Here select Apply Date, Available Leave,Leave Date, Reason and Attach Document and then click on Save button. To view apply leave click on View icon present at Action column in the leaves page, at click […]

 About Human Resource

The main function of the human resource person is to make necessary staff arrangements, maintain staff attendance for the school. Human Resource module workflow: First we will add Department, Designation, Leave Type then we will add staff member from Staff Directory, day by day Staff Attendance, and Payroll, Apply Leave, Approve Leave Request, Teacher Rating, Disabled […]

 How to Add Room Type?

To add room type, go to Internat > Dormitory Type then enter Room type and Description and then click on the Save button. You can view this added record in the Room Type List  on the right side of the page. To edit room type click on the Edit icon and to delete the room type click on the Delete icon present in the room type list.

How to add Item supplier?

To add item supplier, go to Inventory > Item Supplier, here enter Name, Phone, Email, Address, Contact Person Name, Contact Person Phone, Contact Person Email and Description and then click on Save button. You can view this added record in the Item Supplier list on the right side of the page. To edit item supplier click on the Edit icon present in item supplier […]

 How to check Book Issue Return Report?

To check book issue return report, go to Report > Library then click on Book Issue Return Report then search any book by entering Book Title, Book Number, Issue Date, Return Date, Member Id, Library Card No, Admission No, Issue By and Member Type.