How to publish/unpublish course?

To publish/unpublish course, click on the Manage Course button of the course and then click on the Publish Course button present at the top right corner. By default course will be unpublish so you will see Publish Course button, once course is published button will be change to Unpublish Course.

How to order section?

To order section of a course, click on the Manage Course button of the course and then click on the Order Section button, at click of this button Order Section modal will open, from here you can change order of the section.

How to add Course?

To add course login from Superadmin/Admin panel then go to Online Course > Online Course. then click on the + Add Course button the enter Title, Outcomes, Description, Inline Preview Image, Class, Section, AssignTeacher, CoursePreviewURL, Price, Discount, FreeCourse (if you want to upload course free of cost) Course Category, Front Site Visibilty ( you can manage the front side visibility of online course if you select the Yes, the online course, which you added, will […]

About Online Course?

An online course is a way to learn a new skill or gain some new knowledge from the comfort of your own home. They can either be paid or offered for free. This module provide facility to take payment online/offline. In this module student can purchase courses and admin can check payment report and also […]

 How to check multi branch report?

To check the report, go to Multi Branch > Report, here you will see all multi branch reports. Now, you can check the reports of different modules such as the Daily Collection Report, Payroll Report, Income List, Expense List, Income Report, Expense Report, and User Log Report. Daily Collection Report : To check the Daily Collection report, go to Multi Branch > Report. Here, select the date […]