How to assign incidents to the students?

To assign an incident to a specific student, go to the select criteria at the top of the page, then select the class and section, and then click on the search button in the top right corner. Students are displayed in the assign incidents list of related classes and sections after clicking on search.   Click the search button to open the previous assign incident […]

How to add the incidents?

To add the incidents, go to the Behaviour Records > Incidents. The incident list page will be open, and now in the top right corner you can see the +Add button showing. With the help of this button, you can add the incidents. Now, click the +Add button to open the Add Incident modal.  Now you can see mandatory options to fill […]

How to delete an incident from the incident list?

To delete the incident from the incident list, go to Behaviour Records > Incidents. When you click Incidents the incident list page will open.  The Action column can be found in the right-hand corner of the incident list page. In the Action column, you can see the cross icon is available. You can delete any incident you want by clicking on this cross icon. Now, […]

How to edit the incidents in the incident list?

To edit the incident, go to the Behaviour Records > Incidents page. The incident list will be open, there is an action column, in this column, you can see pencil or edit icon, with the help of this pencil or edit icon, you can edit the specific incident. Now click on the pencil or edit icon next […]

How to check the list of incidents?

To check the incidents list, go to Behaviour Records > Incidents. After clicking on incidents, the incident list page will open, and here you can view the incidents list. Now, in the incidents list table, you can see the columns of title, point, and description. The incident name appears in the Title column, and the incident point appears in the Point column, depending on whether the incident […]