How to add staff member as Library Member?

To add staff member as Library Member, go to Library > Add Staff Member after that to search specific member enter the staff name and click on Search button then click on + button from the Action column, at click of this button it will open a modal, here enter Library Card Number and then click to Add button. The added staff member will be shown […]

How to add student as Library Member?

To add student as Library Member, go to Library > Add student then select the Class and Section and then click on the Search button to display student list. Now click on + icon from student’s list,  at click of this icon a modal will open, here enter Library Card Number  and then click on the  Add button. The added student will be shown in green color row […]

How to add Book?

To add book in Book List, go to Library > Book List then click on Add Book button present at top right corner of the book list page. Here enter the Book Title, Book Number, ISBN Number, Publisher, Author, Subject, Rack Number, Qty, Book Price, Post Date and Description then click on Save button. You can view this added records in Book List page. To […]

About Library

Library Module is used to provide another space for students to learn and encourage students to read. School libraries help students to find the information and knowledge they need to succeed now and in their future life and work. This Module is used for keep maintaining end to end details of library including books, publishers, […]

 How to check Homework report?

To check the homework report, go to Report > Homework. Here select Class, Section, Subject Group and Subject and click on the Search button. The homework report for above search will be show in below. In this report, you can see the student class, section, subject group, and subject and homework date: In this column, you can see the date when homework was assigned to the students in that class and section. Submission Date, in this […]