Want to know about B.I.A. SchoolSys Biometric Attendance App?

To take attendance in Smart School automatically through biometric attendance device you should have Smart School Biometric Attendance App (desktop application) and Biometric Attendance Device. Smart School Biometric Attendance App supports multiple biometric attendance devices so you can add multiple devices and take attendance with them simultaneously. You should purchase compatible biometric devices at your […]

 How to assign fees to student in B.I.A. SchoolSys?

In Smart School you can assign fees for each student by creating fees groups from Fees Collection > Fees Group then Fees Collection > Fees Master (create fees by selecting fees group here) and assign to student from Fees Master > Assign/view Fees. Please check the following documentation https://smart-school.in/docs/#feescollect for more understanding.

 How to restrict Teacher to access only their assigned student data?

For student data access separation there is a Teacher Restricted Mode feature is available, by default teachers can access all student data but when Teacher Restricted Mode (System Settings > General Setting > Miscellaneous > Teacher Restricted Mode) is enabled then teacher can see only their assigned class-section or subject, student related data for different modules like […]

 Can I use special character in B.I.A. SchoolSys?

In Smart School avoid to enter or using special character (special character is non-alphabetic and non-numeric like @, #, $, <, %, ^, &, *, !) for any field like Student, Staff, Income, Expense, Transport, Custom Field etc, otherwise it may fail PHP or JavaScript processing.